San Francisco Rose Garden Wedding

Check out some stunning moments from a wedding at the San Francisco Rose Garden in Golden Gate Park. M & S wanted non-traditional elements while still incorporating their families & cultures during this wonderful union - aka the Holperian-Carterian Alliance. ;)
Michael hand-painted these beautiful signs that were displayed on either side of the Rose Garden. Making your own welcome signs is a great alternative to ordering them online from websites like Minted, the Knot, Shutterfly, Papier, and Zola.

They also had this fantastic, bespoke card box for any cards given to the Holperian-Carterian Alliance. ;) You can order your own custom boxes like these on sites like Etsy.

Here are the Scotch & quaich - a Scottish wedding tradition where the newlywed couple each drink whiskey from a two-handled cup and is a symbol of unity & trust! The quicach (pronounced like quake with Scottish ch sound at the end) is a small silver cup with two handles. With the tradition dating back to the clans in the Scottish Highlands sharing a drink as a form of friendship & trust, this special moment still signifies the blending of two communities.
You can check out more information here.

Below is a photo of the delicious and beautifully decorated cupcakes!

M & S danced in together to Aretha Franklin's R.E.S.P.E.C.T. (pictured below) and then later walked out to Ain't No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell! How fun is that?? It was such a sweet & unique touch that perfectly displayed their love.

Some moments from their beautiful & emotional vows!

Their first kiss - from two angles. My second shooter, Maya, and I were able to capture their first kiss from two angles due to the Rose Garden setup. For anyone considering a second shooter, moments like this may sway your decision! Together, we were able to capture both the main photo from center aisle, and a more creative & artistic angle showcasing their loved ones & the beautiful roses all around them.

Last, but certainly not least, check out some sneak peeks from their couple's portraits!